In this Pelican tutorial, I'll show you how to use the Python-powered static generator to quickly create a sleek blog.
I'll also spruce things up by adding static comments and a search function to the site.
Note: this isn't my first rodeo with static sites—I've shown our readers how to add e-commerce to Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, and many others. But today, no e-commerce, no Snipcart. Just a plain, simple tutorial for a dev blog! :)
Simply put, Pelican is a neat static site generator (SSG) written in Python.
Like all SSGs, it enables super fast website generation. No heavy docs, straightforward installation, and powerful features (plugins & extendability). Plus, you get all the benefits of a static site: cheap, portable, secure, lightweight, easy to host. As a blogging platform, Pelican also allows you to own all of your content—even comments, thanks to Staticman. No need to rely on trusted third parties like Medium.
First thing to do is simply scaffold a website using the CLI. It will give us the file structure needed to customize our setup right away.
Create a new folder for your project and open a console in it. Install Pelican's Python package with: pip install pelican
Once it's done, use the CLI straight away to do the scaffolding with: pelican-quickstart
Here's how your configuration should look like:
For the demo, I wanted to play around a bit with some themes, so I chose to clone the wholepelican-themes repo. You can do so with git clone in the folder of your choice.
2. Creating blog content in Markdown
To make this demo less contrived, I used real, "open source" Aeon content.
You could decide to generate a new folder to keep content organized. But for the sake of keeping this demo simple, I created everything directly in the content folder.
Fire up your favorite text editor and open the content folder. First file As you can see, the file extension is .md, so we will use the Markdown format to define our content. A Markdown file is declared with metadata (at the start of the file), followed by the actual content. Pelican's files support many metadata fields—it's worth reading their docs about this here.
Now, back to the file you just created. Open and fill it up with actual content (our Aeon source):
Title: Are ‘you’ just inside your skin or is your smartphone part of you?
Date: 2018-02-26
Category: Psychology
Slug: are-you-just-inside-your-skin-or-is-your-smartphone-part-of-you
In November 2017, a gunman entered a church in Sutherland Springs in Texas, where he killed 26 people and wounded 20 others. He escaped in his car, with police and residents in hot pursuit, before losing control of [...]
You can repeat this step with all the content you need. Once you've got your content, you'll be ready to generate the blog.
3. Changing the Pelican theme
Go into the folder cloned earlier, and copy your chosen theme in your project's root folder. Then, in the same folder, run pelican-themes -i {your_theme_name}.
You're all set to give your site a first shot. To generate it, again, in the same folder, run pelican -t {your_theme_name}. This will generate your website with the specified theme and put it inside the output folder.
Simply serve with whatever suits you after. I opted for Node's http-server. Here's my result at this point, using the monospace theme:
Note: if you want to customize & create Pelican themes, check out its Python templating language Jinja2
4. Adding the Tipue search plugin
Now now, I know there are tons of way to handle search on a static site. Third parties—Algolia et al. Server-side searches. Client-side searches. Truth is most of these are overkill for my humble demo.
So to add this feature to the blog, we'll use a Pelican-specific search plugin. There are many plugins in this sub-repo, but the one of interest to us here is tipue-search.
Install the required Python package with pip install beautifulsoup4. Next, clone the project's folder, and register it inside your file. You'll be able to do so simply by adding the following line: PLUGINS = ['tipue_search.tipue_search']. If you re-generate your website, you'll see a new file; tipuesearch_content.json. That's the static content the search will use. Now, you only need to modify your theme's templates to add the search.
Hop into monospace/base.html—the template used for every page. There, add both jQuery and tipue-search with the following HTML:
That's it! You should have static search directly on our website now. Rebuild your blog and see the result. Here's how my search box & results look:
5. Adding static comments with Staticman
Most people default to Disqus to handle comments on their sites. There's also a Disqus static comment plugin for Pelican. Now I have no personal beef with Disqus. But I'd be hard-pressed to ignore the number one issue related to trusting this third party, even in its "static" form:
→ Comments are hosted on Disqus servers--no ownership of content.
Staticman solves all of the above. That and, of course, a simple problem most static sites suffer from: adding forms for user-generated content without a backend. Staticman is perfect for reader comments, but also for voting systems or user reviews. For more details on its superpowers, check out this full post by my colleague Jean-Seb aka Mumbledore.
Disclaimer: Snipcart sponsors the Staticman open source project.
If you would like to see more alternatives, we have an article about static site comments here.
Now for the technical part:
I will skip the default configuration of Staticman as it is really straightforward and well explained here.
Once, you have a repo with the app as a contributor running, you'll need to add a configuration file and the necessary templates to send and render data. Create a staticman.yml file with the following content:
This is the form used to send comments to Staticman. The latter will push then include them in your repo. This way your website will be able to render them without any external calls.
To first render them, let's expose these comments in JSON to your templates, since they are in YML at the moment. First, download the pyyml python package with: pip install pyyaml.
Once this is done, go in, this is where you'll expose comments.
Add these following lines wherever you want:
#Staticman Comments
commentsPath = "./content/comments"
def ymlToJson(file):
with open(commentsPath + "/" + file) as stream:
return yaml.load(stream)
commentsYML = [f for f in listdir(commentsPath) if isfile(join(commentsPath, f))]
COMMENTS = list(map(ymlToJson, commentsYML))
This will load every .yml comment files, parse them into JSON, and expose them as an array. Any all-caps variable in this file will be exposed inside Jinja2 templates, which means you'll have access to the comments in any template. What you want to do now is render the comments on the matching articles. In article.html, add this section just between the {{ article.content }} line and the form we just added:
<h3 id="comments">COMMENTS</h3>
{% for comment in COMMENTS %}
{% if comment.url == article.slug %}
<p class="comment">{{ }}: {{ comment.message }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Aaaand a quick look at our static comments now:
Now let's host that static blog!
6. Hosting your Pelican blog on Netlify
I would have liked to host everything on GitHub Pages, as it's a good fit with Pelican. But since I needed to rebuild the project once a comment is pushed to keep the website updated, I decided to go for Netlify. Once a new comment is pushed, Netlify will be notified, rebuild the website, and host it with the new comment. To do so, add a requirements.txt to your project's folder and add these lines to it:
This is the file that will be used by Netlify to download the project's dependencies. Now, push your code to a repo and hit Once you're logged in, click the new site from GIT and choose your project's repo with these settings:
The deploy will start right away, and your website should be live in a minute! Note that the site has to rebuild for new comments to appear.
This demo took me about 1-2 hours, thanks to the Pelican documentation and Staticman's simplicity.
I really enjoyed playing with Pelican! I had not worked with a static generator for a while—missed it! Docs were great and concise. The challenge was mostly with Python. I really didn't write much of it, but I had never developed with Python before, so it was fun to try!
I would have liked to push the search further, at the moment it's easy to use and setup but it wouldn't be optimal for a lot of blog entries. The first thing I would do to scale this is outsource the search to something like Algolia. It would be much faster and wayyyy more powerful/scalable than what we have at the moment.
Happy coding!
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About the author
Maxime Laboissonniere Developer
Max was the first dev hire for Snipcart back in 2016. Since then, he has stood out by his curiosity towards new technologies. He’s the one that introduced the team to Vue.js, for instance. In his 4 years experience as a developer, he’s mastered JavaScript and its ecosystem, as well as C#. These days, he likes to explore Elixir, Clojure, ELM, RxJS, and data science--when he doesn’t have his nose in a book.